AIOU Assignment Marks and Grades – Check Results Online

AIOU Assignment Marks: How to Check Your Assignment Marks Online

Assignments are a crucial part of your academic journey at Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU). They contribute significantly to your final grades and help assess your understanding of the course material. If you’re wondering how to check your assignment marks online, this guide will walk you through the process and provide all the necessary information about AIOU’s grading and passing criteria.

How to Check AIOU Assignment Marks Online

Checking your assignment marks is quick and straightforward. AIOU provides an online portal where students can access their assignment results. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official AIOU result page at
  2. Enter your roll number and other required details.
  3. Click on the submit button to view your marks.

Make sure your assignments are submitted before the deadline to ensure their evaluation appears on the portal.

AIOU Passing Marks Percentage

To pass your AIOU assignments, you need to meet the minimum percentage requirement based on your program. Below is a table outlining the passing marks for each academic level:

ProgramPassing Marks Percentage
Matric (General Group, Darse Nizami)40% or more
Inter (FA, ICom)40% or more
Bachelors (BA, B.Com, BEd)40% or more
Masters (MA, MS, MCom)40% or more
PhD (MPhil)50% or more

AIOU Assignment Grades

Your assignment grades are determined by the percentage of marks you achieve. The grading system is as follows:

Assignment GradeAssignment Marks Percentage
A+80% and above
A70% to 79%
B60% to 69%
C50% to 59%
D40% to 49%
F (Fail)Below 40%

Tips for Securing High Marks in AIOU Assignments

  1. Understand the Requirements: Read the assignment questions thoroughly and follow the provided guidelines.
  2. Use Original Content: Plagiarized content is penalized. Always submit your original work.
  3. Organize Your Work: Present your answers in a clear and structured manner, making it easier for evaluators to assess.
  4. Meet Deadlines: Timely submission is critical for your assignments to be evaluated.


Keeping track of your AIOU assignment marks is essential for evaluating your academic progress. By visiting the official result page, you can easily check your marks and ensure you meet the passing criteria. Understanding the grading system and working diligently on your assignments will help you achieve better results.

Whether you’re enrolled in Matric, Intermediate, Bachelors, or Postgraduate programs, meeting the minimum passing marks is crucial for your academic success. Focus on quality and timely submission, and you’ll excel in your studies at AIOU!

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